Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Updates and Aggravation

Been absent awhile. There’s good reason though, we’ve been cooking new material for our upcoming gig (when the webpage is ready, I get to add the link here). Deadlines can be finicky sometimes, bending to pressure a lot like a steel column punched by your fist.

So we buckled down, cutting excess in order to get this done. Fortunately we have good wives willing to help us make this work. They're awesome. (Too bad for the rest of you.)

Well... the first few months were kind of rough. As time progressed though, and we acquired a phenomenal bassist (Appurle, you rock!), things improved. We’ve spent much of the time in the Noise Lab, experimenting. Except when we’re kickin’ it somewhere, writing lyrics of course. And I must give a man props: Keith has really turned out some trick phrases! It’s scary-cool. Which is good, we’re all starting to find our places and how we fit—essential to any group if they want to survive.

It’s come to the point where, if there’s any length of silence in The Lab, I’ll jam on a riff. Keith will put a beat to it and… aw… yeah! We’ll capture it, carve it in the brain a little, then get to work with words and melodies. And the pattern is developing. We keep making first-downs, chewing away yards at a time.

Yes the going is good, if you were wondering. Slow, but the songs ROCK. Now that I think of it, on the shelf we even have an “11/4” groove of science I concocted. Now that was a fun night. From outside in the dark, I image the basement windows must have been pulsing as if Dr. Frankenstein himself was at work down there. Fun stuff.

Well, people are about to come over for “small-church”. Game night. I’ll get back when I can... if nothing else than to tell you about Monster Truck Nationals weekend.


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