Saturday, July 08, 2006

Update Ambition

132 words. That’s where I am. 132 words.

If that makes no sense, let me explain. Page down and you’ll find my bit about the Nelson Algren Award, and how, if I wanted to submit one of my short story mss to win a 5 Grand cash prize, I had to edit some 1,600+ words from it. Turned out that was something like 62 words a page. Horrendous editing.

So, I figured I’d update my progress, given the Algren submission deadline has expired.

132 words. That’s it. That’s how much I edited beyond my goal. All without cutting a single scene. Oh yes, 1,827 total words removed. That's 68 words per page, by means of rephrasing, rewording, honing prose, using “bigger” words. It’s amazing how rich the story is now.

Not only did I mark my goal, but exceed it successfully. This is one strong story now. It's thrilling to me. Additionally, I own my writing voice—own it. Over the last months it’s sharpened in such a way I never imagined. Original drafts are strong. I’m more confident. Before, I felt a “disconnect” between my brain and the page; that I wasn’t quite nailing the phrase, or scene, and would have to “fix” it during editing. Now there’s a confidence, a comfort, as if the sentences pouring onto the page are the ones in my brain. Kind of like instant oatmeal. All I do is mix in some $3 word sizzle, and eat up!

A writer couldn’t ask for more...except, maybe, to nationally publish thirteen bestsellers.

So I'm resubmitting next week, almost arrogantly expecting to have it published somewhere and make some $$. I need a delay pedal, new PC monitor, and another 2x12 Boogie cab.

“Pays on acceptance.” Love that phrase.


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